NHS Donation: Supporting Our Healthcare Heroes
Over the past few weeks, many of us have felt our optimism waiver with the announcement of new lockdown measures. Home by 10pm, no groups of more than 6 and stricter facemask rules have thrust us back into pre-summer 2020, and with it brought back a sense of uncertainty.
Here at Hooray, we have felt the disappointment and frustration at the effects of COVID-19, but we are also determined to keep our heads up and stay positive.
Despite all the sadness in the world right now, we are happy to have some great news to share:
This week, Hooray Health & Protection turns 1!
The time has flown by, and we could not be more grateful or happier for all the hard work and good fortune that has got us here.
It has been a rollercoaster of a year and we want to say a massive thank you to everyone that has supported us so far…you don’t know how appreciated your support really is.
So, as a little ‘Thank You’, we have decided to give something back:
For the whole of Quarter 4, we are going to be donating 100% of our profits to the local NHS.
The decision of who to help out in order to give something back to the community was an absolute no-brainer for us. Without the NHS workers, the effects of the pandemic would have been even more severe.
Whilst celebrating our first year in business we want to show our appreciation to those who have sacrificed so much.
We are proud and grateful for the incredible work that our NHS has done stepping up and fighting the pandemic.
As such, we have previously raised money for our local NHS with online fundraisers during lockdown, and we have been happy to be able to help by keeping our local workers fed and hydrated!
So, from 28th September 2020 to 5th January 2021, any insurance policies bought through us will directly support the NHS and all its workers.
We have already got off to a great start with an incredibly generous donation of £1,000 from MetLife who have kindly kickstarted the campaign.
Together, our donations will help to support NHS staff in Sussex with supplies including PPE, supplies and ongoing support for those working on the frontline.
But it’s not just supporting the NHS…
To invest in attracting and retaining the best employees, it is no secret what you need to do. Employee benefits not only make everybody feel valued, but they also help businesses to grow.
Employees who feel valued by their employer are more likely to care about the company they work for and, in turn, work harder. Hard workers are undeniably more productive, so employee benefits also help businesses develop and grow.
If you are thinking about giving back to your business with employee benefits, now is the perfect time to do so. From November to January, you can add supporting the NHS to your list of reasons to provide your employees with employee benefits – to give them your own little ‘Thank You’.
All our reviews are free and over the phone (and were before COVID!) so an inquiry won’t cost you a penny.
Give us a call to get started on supporting your business, employees and healthcare workers all in one go!