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Ciara Boulton

International Client Support Manager
Ciara provides support to the international team, ensuring clients receive the best possible customer service.

Ciara draws on her experience in the travel insurance industry to bring the best support to our clients.

Job title:

International Client Support Manager

Main responsibilities: 

Supporting the International Sales & Account Management Teams to support clients each step of the way!

Why did you join?

It was such a great opportunity to learn and expand my knowledge within the insurance industry and to experience a different role. I was also really drawn to the individuality of Hooray Health & Protection and the fun supportive environment the team fosters.

What do you like most about the company?

The whole office is such a happy and calm space!

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

I enjoy the feeling of solving problems, and this role provides opportunity for just that. Being able to offer the best possible support to our customers is also really satisfying!

What’s your favourite workplace perk? 

The Friday afternoon quiz definitely helps with winding down at the end of a busy week (but the beer fridge is also a great office perk!)

Any hobbies? 

Any sort of arts and crafts – making earrings or games, scrapbooking, painting… Scrolling through Netflix to find a good show is definitely a past-time of mine too, but hoping that counts!

Favourite band/artist?

I love some cheesy 80s pop.

Any guilty pleasures music wise?

Ciara by Luke Bloom.

Favourite film?

Vanilla Sky – but any good psychological thriller to get stuck into!

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