Hooray Health & Protection

Do employee benefits help businesses grow?

Do employee benefits help businesses grow

Do employee benefits help businesses grow

In a word, yes. Let’s face it, all businesses need a measurable return and staff who love their employers, are much more productive.

If the answer is no, why would we bother to spend money on employee benefits? A little flippant perhaps, but ultimately when we spend any money as a business we need to see a measurable return.

The answer to the question requires consideration of a wide variety of factors and I have summarised my thoughts below:

The link between benefits, reward, our people and our business

For me this means looking at our strategy, the resultant objectives and the role of our people within this piece. We then need to decide what behaviours we want to encourage from our people and how we use reward and benefits to influence and support these behaviours.

Love my employer!

Employee engagement is the buzzword at the moment. The ‘why’ is widely documented, but ‘what’ creates the engaged person who goes the extra mile? What are the important parts of the relationship between a business and its people? Our own work indicates people need to:

The above in large part boils down to high levels of trust and good communication.

Taking this to the next level and help supporting these factors:

If you want to speak with an employee benefits broker, Hooray Health & Protection charge no fee for any new or existing clients.

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